The meaning of the Winter Solstice

NORTH SOUND, DEC. 16: The winter solstice occurs quite early on Dec. 21, at 1:19 a.m. Pacific Time, initiating the start of astronomical winter. Sunrise will be at 7:55 a.m. and sunset at 4:20...

Remembering the 2006 Hanukkah Eve Windstorm

NORTH SOUND, DEC. 11: About 18 years ago, the Hanukkah Eve Windstorm struck Western Washington. This weekend will mark the highly impactful storm anniversary. On the evening of Dec. 14 into early Dec. 15, the storm plowed...

Fall foliage colors unfold

EVERETT, OCT. 1: It is finally starting to feel like fall, with cool crisp morning temperatures dipping into the 40s and in some places like Arlington, dropping into the 30s.September finished as...

The Fall Equinox Explained

EVERETT, SEPT. 20: Can you believe summer is coming to an end? The fall equinox is early at 5:43 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 22. The fall equinox is also known as the autumnal equinox, and the following day, Sept....

Back to school safe driving

EVERETT, SEPT. 5: School is back in session. Local law enforcement is now in place around many schools. Drivers need to break summer driving habits and resume school safety driving skills as the new school year begins.Be sure to...

Wildfire season is here – What you can do

EVERETT, JULY 23: Weather Conditions Cooler air from off the coast has invaded the North Sound and Western Washington, providing some relief from the heat. High temperatures this week will range from the mid-60s into

Does it always rain on the Fourth of July?

EVERETT July 2:Holiday Travel, Gas Prices, Fireworks SafetySome say it always rains on the Fourth of July, but does it? Is that a myth? Let’s look at the weather records for Independence Day this century at...

The 2021 ‘Heat Dome’ – Revisited

EVERETT June 26: June 25 through June 28, 2021. As the song went from Disney’s Little Mermaid movie, it was "Hot, Hot, Hot"!It has been three years since the historic ‘heat dome’ parked over the Pacific...

The History of the Summer Solstice

EVERETT June 18: The summer solstice is Thursday, June 20, at 1:50 p.m., marking the longest day of the year in Everett at 16 hours, 2 minutes. The summer solstice is also the beginning of astronomical summer...