Increase in auto, drug and property violations in 2023, Everett


EVERETT, JULY 26: Last year Everett saw an increase in drug and narcotic violations, motor vehicle theft and destruction of property according to a recent report done by The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC)

On July 9, WASPC released its annual crime rate report for 2023, focusing on crime data across Washington State.

The report is based on data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), where incidents are separated into two groups, A and B. Group A incidents range from arson, bribery, drug/narcotic offenses, homicide and more. For an incident to be considered Group B for NIBRS, an arrest must be made.

Below is data about Everett based on the WASPC report.


Everett, the largest city in Snohomish County, reported 11,247 Group A offenses last year, a minimal decrease from 2022 which had 11,420. About 30% of last year’s offenses were cleared.

Among the highest populated cities, the city with the highest offense per population rate was Marysville with 17.2. The second is Everett, 10.2 and then Lynnwood 8.6. This data was found by dividing the population by offenses reported.

The highest increase of violations in Everett were drug and narcotic violations, with 303 in 2022, and 672 violations reported in 2023, an increase of 121.8%. There were three categories with reports in the thousands. Those offenses were larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, and destruction of property.

Everett 2023 property values by type from WASPC annual crime rate report for 2023.

Washington State as a whole saw high percentage increases in the three above offenses. With larceny-theft at a 40.3% increase, motor vehicle theft at 15%, and destruction of property at 22.2%.

Opiates were the most used drug in drug offenses with 53% of all drug-related offenses involving opiates. The second highest is stimulants with 31%.

Destruction of property incidents in Everett resulted in nearly $29 million worth of damages (see above graph).

For hate crimes, the highest reported were towards the LGBTQIA+ community.

The weapon most used in crimes, personal (hands, fist, feet) was the highest with 853 cases. The second highest weapon used in crimes was firearms with 320 cases.

Last year in Everett there were 10 reported murders, 45 rapes, 18 kidnappings, and 10 cases of animal cruelty.


Overall, in Washington, there was a decrease in Group A offenses compared to 2022. A majority of the offenses reported in 2023 were crimes against property with 73.1%. The second highest were crimes against a person, with 22.5%.

The top five locations where violent crimes took place were residences, highways, convenience stores, parking lots or garages and lastly grocery stores.

Five year look at motor vehicle thefts in 2023, Washington State. Taken from WASPC annual crime rate report for 2023.

The most frequent month of occurrence for crimes against property last year was January, with February being the least frequent.

Close to half of violent crimes, 47.2%, committed in Washington were against female victims.

Motor vehicle theft continues to increase yearly with 54,187 offenses reported last year.

In 2023 Washington law enforcement seized an estimated $3,305 of drug equipment.

Hate crimes in Washington increased from 546 reported in 2022 and 576 reported in 2023. The racial group with the highest reported hate crimes was Black/African Americans.

The highest hate crimes against a religious group were Jewish. There were also more hate crimes against those who identify as transgender.