Prep Sports Weekly, Thursday, March 19, 2020. On a week with no sports, we found a lot of sports to talk about. We meet Marysville Getchell Boys Basketball
Coach Corby Schuh and Wesco Player of the Year Malahki Knight. We talk high school sports, or the lack of high school sports with Everett Herald Sportswriter
Cameron Van Til. Even though they’re not playing games, the Cascade Bruins Baseball team is sticking together (as much as they can with social distancing
rules in place), we meet players Joe McBride, Brock Gillis, Jayden Talts and head coach David Benson. And, even though the All State All Star Basketball
games will not be played, we talk with the head of the Washington Interscholastic Basketball Coaches Association Nalin Sood on the boys side, and Dan
Taylor who is president of the Washington State Girls Basketball Coaches Association; both coaches will talk about honoring the players that were selected
to play in the games.


Marysville Getchell Boys Basketball: Malahki Knight and Coach Corby Schuh.

Cascade Baseball: Brock Gillis and Joe McBride.