We’re practicing our “Social Distancing” on this week’s Prep Sports Weekly Show for March 26, 2020. We talk Oregon State Women’s Basketball with Mikayla
Pivec and her sister Malia Pivec who runs track and cross country at Boise State; they join us by phone from Boise. Then we meet the Jackson Timberwolves
Boy’s Soccer team with head coach Sarah Smart and players Mikey Hatcher, Justin Huttinger and Adan Fernandez. Then a special segment honoring Hall
of Fame Basketball Official Steve Colby, with the Executive Director of the Washington Officials Association Todd Stordahl and basketball officials
liaison Kevin Erickson.
Steve Colby Memorial Fund Link:
Mikayla Pivec – Oregon State Women’s Basketball (Lynnwood HS)
Malia Pivec – Boise State Cross Country & Track (Lynnwood HS)
Sarah Smart – Jackson Timberwolves Boys Soccer Head Coach
Mikey Hatcher – Jackson Soccer (Check out his guitar chops during the interview)
Adan Fernandez – Jackson Soccer
Justin Huttinger – Jackson Soccer (no we don’t know why his logo is backwards)
Todd Stordahl – Washington Officials Association Executive Director
Kevin Erickson – Washington State Tournament Official’s Liaison