Despite the 2020 Coronavirus; Prep Sports Weekly continues for Thursday, May 7, 2020. We hear from Trent Tingelstad; 2019 Everett AquaSox outfielder and
Marysville Pilchuck alum. Then it’s Glacier Peak Softball with seniors Ashley Jacobson and Phoebe Schultz; University of Washington Football with Kamiak
alum Justin Glenn (Director of Recruiting) and Mountlake Terrace alum Thomas Ford (Football Quality Control). Finally, Kaysa Anderson, Lake Stevens
senior who is heading off to Grand Canyon University to play college hockey.
Marysville Pilchuck/Everett AquaSox outfielder Trent Tingelstad and girlfriend Sarah
Glacier Peak Softball’s Ashley Jacobson with Scout
Glacier Peak Softball’s Phoebe Schultz with Marvin
Kamiak Knights/Washington Huskies’ Justin Glenn
Mountlake Terrace/Washington Huskies Thomas Ford with daughter Zoey
Lake Stevens/Grand Canyon University Hockey’s Kaysa Anderson with Hoosier