Prep Sports Weekly for Thursday, February 11, 2021. As we get closer to talking about actual games we get a chance to chat with Garet Studer, Everett Community College Athletic Director and get the community college return to play plans. Speaking of college, next it’s Murdock Rutledge, the starting quarterback for the University of Puget Sound Loggers and Everett High Seagulls alum. He played many games at Everett Memorial Stadium. Speaking of the stadium, we hear from our historian Larry O’Donnell, he talks about the opening of Everett Memorial Stadium and the first game ever played in 1947. It’s an interesting story.

Garet Studer, Athletic Director at Everett Community College
Murdock Rutledge, University of Puget Sound and Everett High School
Everett Historian Larry O’Donnell