NORTH SOUND, DEC. 24: Christmas has nearly arrived, and many have already traveled to their holiday destination. Others will do the same early this week. Fortunately, the weather will remain the same with mild late December weather and rain at times permitting reasonable travel on the roads.

A parade of Pacific weather systems will march through the North Sound offering periods of rain and at times blustery conditions heading into the final weekend of the year, Dec. 28 and 29. Temperatures will be rather mild for this time of year. Highs will range from the upper 40s to the mid-50s with lows in the upper 30s to mid 40sabout 5 to 10 degrees above average.

If heading into or through the Cascades, the week’s snow level will rise and fall with each passing weather system, ranging from nearly 3,000 to 4,500 ft. The best fresh snowfall should be found at the higher-elevation ski areas throughout the week. Always be prepared for winter weather driving conditions on the pass highways and by state law, at least carry chains.

The ongoing mild and wet weather means this Christmas Day will not be a White Christmas. Historically, the history of a White Christmas in the North Sound is limited – only about a 10% chance of snow on the ground.

Everett weather records go back to 1914. Snow has either been on the ground or fallen on Christmas Day only a limited number of times in the past 100-plus years. Here is a list of those years that were a White Christmas in Everett.

Graphic of White Christmas’ in Everett. Created by Mikayla Finnerty.

They include:

1915    1916    1921    1924    1933    1937    1944    1948    1964    1965    1971    1990    2007    2008    2017

2017 was the most recent Christmas Day with snow on the ground. Yet in 2008, many may recall ‘snowmageddon.’ A surge of colder air from the interior of Western Canada swept into Western Washington in the middle of December and hung there until just after New Year’s Day. Periods of snow fell during that period, with some locations having one to two feet of snow on the ground on Christmas Day. It was snowing on Christmas morning in the North Sound making it a very festive day.

For those who would like a White Christmas, there will be snow in the Cascades and in parts of Eastern Washington. Yet as Bing Crosby sings, we can dream of a ‘White Christmas’. Have a wonderful holiday season!