EVERETT, JAN. 7: Officials at The Snohomish County Parks and Recreation are warning residents about anaggressiveowl at McCollum Park in Everett.

On Friday, Jan. 3 released a statement regarding reports of the owldive bombing people on the trails…”.

Although attacks are rare, officials said that territorial owl behavior is not uncommon in Washington and across North America. The owl could be a barred owl or great horned owl which are common in the area.

Owl encounters are most likely at night or during the early morning. If parkgoers hear hooting, it is usually a warning to stay away from the owl’s territory or nest.

If you hear hooting, cover your head and move along quickly officials said.

The 78-acre park includes wetlands, a forest trail and creek, playground and recreational fields.

“If an owl does swoop towards or attack a human, wave your arms to deter the bird, and protect your head and face as much as possible. Leave the area as soon as possible and report the incident to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and/or local land managers.”

If you encounter repeated encounters with aggressive owls, you can call 877-933-9847. Or report online here: https://wdfw.wa.gov/species-habitats/living/species-facts/owls#preventing-conflicts